For Facebook we are worth 16 dollars a month: the proceeds of the social thanks to advertisements

Facebook is one of the most widespread and popular social platforms in the world, it doesn't rain on this. Clearly such a platform generates a large number of revenues , also thanks to the advertisements it hosts.

The strength of Facebook is us, or the users . And the giant of Mark Zuckerberg of users has so many . The website has decided to make a singular calculation, analyzing how much each user is worth for Facebook in terms of receipts. Considering the $ 26 billion it reported having grossed Facebook in a single quarter and the number of users, it is estimated that it grossed approximately $ 48 per user thanks to targeted advertising on its platform.

So for Facebook it is estimated that each of its users is worth $ 16 per month , about what Netflix requires for a month of subscription. It should be noted that the data taken into consideration concern US and Canadian users.

Therefore it is really easy to imagine why Facebook has not taken well the most restrictive measures on user privacy put in place by Apple for iOS users. Mark Zuckerberg's giant may therefore want to focus more on its e-commerce platform, the Marketplace , to compensate for potential revenue losses that may occur as a result of Apple's enforcement of privacy policies. On the other hand, it could afford it, given that its Marketplace has 1 billion active users, with about 1 million virtual shops in operation.

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